Saturday, June 23, 2007

Vegetable Pakora

Chickpea Flour (Besan) 1 cup
All purpose flour 1/2 cup
Ground Cumin 1 teaspoon
Coarsely Groung Coraander 1 tablespoon
Salt 1 1/2 teaspoon
Chopped Green Chillies (Jalapeno) 3-5
Water 1/2 to 1 cup
Potato Sliced thin
Cauliflower Sliced thin
Onion sliced thin

Mix both flours
Add spices and chillies
Slowly add water
Mix well so there are no lumps. You want the batter to be runny but able to coat the back of a spoon.

Coat potatoes and fry till a golden brown.

When prepping the spinach and onion make so to heavily coat them or the oil will pull them apart.

Fry in oil.

Plate them and enjoy. they can be frozen and reheated in an oven at 350 for 8-10 min.

This recipe can be found with a video on YouTube. --> Linky <--

Please Check out her site.
Manjulas Kitchen


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fresh Pasta!

1 Clove of garlic ( minced)
Fresh basil ( 1-2 TSP)
Fresh cracked peppercorns ( 1 TSP)
8 ounces of Semolina flour
8 ounces of white all purpose flour
2 eggs ( if you reduces the amount of whites the pasta will be richer. I just use the yokes)

On a nonstick surface make a well with the combined flours add the beaten eggs and gently mix in flour from all sides until the dough becomes homogeneous. At this point kneading the dough on a surface sprinkled with flour. If at any point the dough seems to dry and crumbly add luke warm water. I have been told you need to let the dough rest but I always get right to it.

If you have a Imperia the next steps are easy. Start at the highest setting and flatten the dough and continue till it is as the desired thickness then cut.

If you don’t have a Imperia. Get out your rolling pin and get started.

Fresh pasta is the only way to go.